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Tips & Tricks

Airport Hacks For Easy Traveling

By | Article, Blogs, Tips & Tricks, Vacations

I KNOW WE CAN ALL AGREE that traveling can be a stressful time. The thoughts running through your head, “did I pack enough,” “am I missing anything,” “will that get through security?” and the thoughts go on and on.

After a few experiences in traveling and learning little tricks and tips, here and there, traveling doesn’t have to be stressful. A wish and a prayer just doesn’t cut it anymore for the perfect airport experience. Here are some travel hacks to make your airport experience that much easier

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ALWAYS check before hand, if your flight is delayed or canceled.

Nothing is worse than rushing to airport, feeling frazzled and stressed out, just to find out that your flight was delayed or canceled. Sign up for alerts to your phone, texts or emails, about your flight information, so that you are up to date at all times.

Dress comfortable!

There is no reason to dress in your best suit or a pair of high heels. Everything is fast paced walking, taking off your shoes, belts, jackets, and whatever else, to get through TSA, a lot of sitting or standing;  so a comfy pair of pants, flat shoes, and a sweater jacket to stay warm is ideal for the airport.

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Keep your ID and boarding pass close to you.

Don’t be that person that is holding up the line because they have their boarding pass or passport in their bag and their ID still in their wallet. You know that security will be checking your ID/passport and boarding pass, numerous times, so keep those items together and in an accessible spot for an easy grab, then when you are comfortable in your seat on the plane, you can put the items back where you think they belong

Keep all your flight essentials in one place.

Have a separate small bag for all your flight needs; like earbuds, snacks, phone charger, book/magazine, small hand sanitizer (because, let’s be real, germs are gross) and medications (if needed). Don’t put it in your carry on, stowed in the overhead bin, and be that person that is constantly getting up to unload their bag and sort through their stuff finding the items. Respect the people around you and be mindful about organization.

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Snacks and Water!

If you’re like me, you love to snack and are always thirsty, but airport water and snacks are always more than $5.00 for the smallest one. So, a trick for the water situation, bring an EMPTY reusable water bottle. It will pass through security with no problems, and you can get water from the fountain for free! For snacks, pack some easy, finger foods in clear zip lock bags to take on your carry on. Once again if they are small, easy to eat, solid foods, they will get through security with no problems. It saves you a ton of money and is probably the healthier option as well!

Bring a portable phone charger.

Sometimes all the outlets are taken up or your airport isn’t stocked with those modern phone charging towers, so it is best to invest in a portable charger. Traveling with a dead phone is not fun and leaves you in a state of panic and stress. Do not start your vacation on that kind of note.

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Be careful wearing headphones at the airport!

If you do choose to wear your headphones, then you should always keep one ear free, so that you can hear your flight info; gates could change, times can change, flight canceled, etc. So, don’t miss your flight because you weren’t listening to the gate announcements.

Wear your heaviest items. 

If you suspect that your suitcase might be overweight because you are traveling somewhere colder or if you are traveling with some souvenirs, then wear your heaviest items. If you are traveling with a jacket, wear the jacket. If you are traveling with boots, wear the boots. It’s easier to just wear the extra items beforehand, then to tear apart your luggage because it was called out for being overweight and have to pay the extra fee.

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3.4 ounces means 3.4 ounces.

Don’t try to sneak your family size shampoo on your carry on because you thought you could convince security it was okay or the extra-large sunscreen you just paid for because you didn’t know. Be cautious of what you are packing. 3.4 ounces or 100 ML is 3.4 ounces, or 100 ML. Security doesn’t care if you just bought it or have 10 kids to bathe on your vacation. They will make you throw it out. So, invest in some travel sized bottles or products, or just wait until you are at your destination to buy them.

Never be afraid to ask for help!

If you are lost or lost an item, confused, have questions, whatever it may be, DO NOT be afraid to ask the flight attendants or security for help. That is what they are there for, to help you when you need it! They will have the answers and if they don’t, they will direct you to the person that does have the answers. It will take any stress away because someone gave you a solution to your problem. No question is a dumb question.

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Following these hacks will make your travel experiences way easier! You will be thankful that you read this article and took notes, because starting off your vacation with a head full of stress, is not the best feeling.

Keep it simple, keep it easy, and you won’t have any problems!

Time for a Break!

By | Article, Blogs, Food for thought, Tips & Tricks

SOMETIMES WE ALL JUST NEED TO STOP what we’re doing, take a breath, and center ourselves.

If you work 5+ days a week, have children, or are in school; you really don’t have a lot of time to be alert of your own necessities. You are so absorbed on getting the job done to please your boss, complete numerous essays for numerous classes to get decent grades, or have to take care of your child’s needs, that whatever you are feeling; stress, anxiety, exhaustion, overwhelmed, etc.; gets shoved aside. We run on batteries and when our batteries start to diminish, we need to rejuvenate and recharge to keep going.

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Feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted are very common in hardworking adults, so taking breaks is keen in staying healthy.


Physical BreakImage result for mental breakdown gif

Take a day off! If you are the kind of person that wakes up 3 hours earlier to go to the gym or have a list of errands that need to be done in one day, just take that day off. If you are running low on fuel, those errands can wait. Take the day to rest and relax!

Allow yourself a little extra sleep. Whether it’s going to bed a half-hour earlier or by sleeping in an extra fifteen minutes, that little extra rest is good for you.

Replace strenuous exercise with something less intense. If you need to get some sort of exercise in for your day to feel complete, do something less intense and try a form of yoga or go for a nice walk.

Relax in a sauna or get a massage. Relax your muscles, let someone get rid of the tension, or sweat out chemicals that build up in your body. Whatever works best for you, just do it because they minimize anxiety, boost the immune system, and reduce depression and anxiety.

Take a long, hot bath at the end of the day, to relax your muscles and joints, calm your mind, and rest.

Take a break from alcohol, processed food, and sugar. Cleansing your body of any toxins will help build energy, so that you don’t feel as much fatigue.

Mental BreakImage result for mental breakdown gif

Take some time to meditate, even if it’s just for five minutes before work, on break, or before bed. Clear your mind, focus on yourself, and escape from reality.

Do deep breathing techniques to calm your nerves and clear your thoughts.

Give yourself a complete day without any financial worries. Put down the bills and statements. They are not going anywhere, so take a day to focus on your needs.

Sing, paint, dance, express yourself creatively. It’s awfully hard to stress and over-think when you’re engaged in something fun and expressive. Blast the music and go nuts!

Go outside and immerse yourself in nature. Feel the ground or grass underneath your feet and focus on being present. Enjoy the swaying trees, the way the sun feels on your skin, and listen to the animals around you. Bask in nature and you will lose track of reality.

Focus on ONE task. I know in your head you have a list of tasks that need to get done but don’t overwhelm yourself. Just do one at time. They will get done. Slow and steady always wins the race.

Take a day off from negative, draining people, even the ones you love. Take a day for yourself. They will understand.

Simply sit. Do nothing. It’s good for you.

Emotional BreakImage result for taking a break gif

Release emotions, for example, write them down, write a poem, draw them in a picture, taking a kick boxing class, talk to someone. Just release the feelings!

Don’t get caught up in your feelings! If you are having a negative day, don’t let those feelings take over, break through by listening to happy music or take a nice walk to shake off whatever is weighing you down.

Count your successes. Make a note of all the things you’ve done well and be proud of yourself. Motivate yourself to keep going.

Replace regrets with dreams. Whenever you start thinking about what you should have done, shift your focus to what you plan to do now. It’s far more empowering and a lot less draining.

Disconnect from technology. Every time you catch yourself judging yourself because of something you saw on social media or wish you had because of something someone else has, or why aren’t they answering my text messages; things like that always cause anxiety and stress, so consciously choose to avoid technology. It’s a lot easier to disconnect ourselves from our phones or social media, then it is to disconnect from our emotions.

Cry if you need to. It’s really okay to cry. It can help you release chemicals and hormones and create a more relaxed, positive state of mind.

Write down the things you’re grateful or thankful for. Identifying the things that have brought us joy is a powerful way to boost endorphins and bring you bliss.


Following these tricks for a physical, mental, and emotional break; will really help you to revitalize yourself. It is perfectly normal to feel strained or overwhelmed, but it’s up to you to do something about it! It’s never too late to start your break today!

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Be(ach) Prepared

By | Article, Blogs, Tips & Tricks

HAVE YOU EVER GONE TO THE BEACH and been totally unprepared? You go there happy, but leave burnt, tired, hungry, and dehydrated. Yeah, I think we all have had that at least once, but with these five essentials, you will be totally prepared. Get there happy and leave happy.


Nothing is worse than going to the beach and not having any water. You are surrounded by crisp, cold, blue water, BUT not the kind that can save your life! Hydrate or die! Water is the number one essential for the beach because laying in the hot sun all day long and swimming in the salty ocean, really dries you out physically and mentally, so drinking water is key! Water, water, water!

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Safety first! Sunscreen is number 2 on my list because getting burnt is not good. Have you ever been out in the sun and you just could feel yourself burning and your skin turning red? Don’t say no because you’re lying. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is number one cause of skin cancer, so don’t say I didn’t tell you so! Stay safe, stay healthy, and wear sunscreen.

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While we are on the subject about the sun, sunglasses are the number 3 essential to protect your eyes from the UV rays of the sun. Your eyes are very sensitive, so the brightness of the sun, reflecting off the sand and water, can damage your eyes easily. Therefore, instead of going blind, just wear sunglasses. Plus, they look awesome!

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These are necessary and its okay if you bring like 5 towels just for you because, like I said, they’re necessary. Beach towels are a protective layer from you and the sand because we all know it’s a super uncomfortable feeling when your wet and covered in sand. It’s best to have a towel to lay/sit on, one to dry off with, and an extra just because. They are made thinner for an easy, sand shake off and to dry faster. I will say it one last time, towels ARE necessary.

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If you’re like me, then you’re always hungry. It doesn’t matter the time of day, you could always eat. Even if you just ate, you could eat more. So, food/snacks are crucial for a great beach experience. Avoid packing any dairy or frozen items that will melt, unless you’re going to bring a cooler, but even that can get warm. Items like chips, pretzels, fruits, veggies, sandwiches… MMM sandwiches… Sorry, back on track, are great to bring with you and can last in the sun.

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Having these top 5 essentials for the beach will make for a great experience. You will be hydrated, you won’t be hungry, you will be comfortable, and you will be protected from the sun in more ways than one. So, lay back, relax, and enjoy your vitamin sea.

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Save Money & Money Will Save You

By | Article, Blogs, Tips & Tricks

So, you want to take a vacation, but you haven’t because you don’t think you have the money for it…Image result for spending money gif

Well that’s okay! Because with these tricks, you will be able to save money in no time to go on that dream vacation of yours!Image result for saving money gif

Open a savings account for a vacation fund. Every paycheck you get, take a little money out of there; $20, $50, $100, however much you can afford and transfer it into the savings and DO NOT TOUCH. Let that money build up overtime. You will be surprised how much is in there after a few months!

  • If you get paid bi-weekly, and take $100 out of those 2 paychecks, that is $200 a month saved, over 12 months that is $2,400 saved in a year!

Cut out materialistic items for the time being. Cancel your gym membership, stop buying a coffee every morning, or getting new clothing items for a special occasion. Over time those; $5, $10, $15, $20 items, build up over time.

  • If you buy a $5.00 Starbucks coffee, every Monday to Friday for a whole month. That’s $5.00 x 5 days a week = 25 x 4 weeks = $100! That’s a $100 a month wasted on coffee, that’s $1,200 you can save in one year! So, cut out those materialistic items and save, save, save!

Learn to become a homebody for the time period. A homebody is someone that enjoys spending time at home. By staying home, you are saving money because you are not spending your money!

Only spend money on the necessary essentials. If you have rent due, your car payments due, you are out of toilet paper, or you don’t have any food to cook for dinner, then those are necessary items to spend money on. BUT, if you have a craving to bake cookies or saw a cute pair of pants on the clothing rack, REFRAIN for the time being! I know it is hard to not impulse shop but refraining from buying unnecessary items will also save you money.

Get a side job. If you are having a hard time saving money, you can also get a part time job to gain more money.

  • If you have a four-door car, you can get a job as an Uber or Lyft driver after work hours. If you are great with kids, you can babysit at night to give a nice family a break. If you love dogs, become a dog walker. There are so many options for a part time job, just to build up your bank account a little more.

These 5 tricks are not impossible. Nothing is impossible! If you are motivated and dedicated to taking one great, luxurious vacation, by following these tricks, you’ll save money for it in no time!Image result for spending money gif


Take Advantage of a Fully Relaxed Vacation

By | Article, Blogs, Tips & Tricks

WHEN WE GO ON VACATION after a hectic few weeks or months of non-stop working, busy schedule, and full on “adulting”; we have a tendency of not being able to fully unwind. We are filled with so many nerves, so much stress, and can’t seem to turn off our brains from all the hardships of reality. When the vacation begins, it doesn’t even feel like a vacation. This is such a travesty because people only take vacations, like, once a year or none at all!

At Luxēvo Vacations, we eat, breath, sleep, VACATIONS. We want our clients, our friends and family, our guests, to have the best vacationing experience, EVER. So, to really make this vacation feel like a vacation, here’s a list of our personal tips to take advantage of a fully RELAXED vacation.

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Everyone can agree that without our phones, we would feel totally lost. But, being on vacation is the time to disconnect. It is your time to focus on yourself, your mind, your body, your physical and mental health, and to just destress yourself. So, once you land at location and are ready to begin your vacation; don’t constantly check your emails, text messages, or social media. Instead, turn off your notifications, delete your social medias, delete your email app; do whatever you need to do to just disconnect from reality back home and focus on yourself, your surroundings, and follow your bliss.

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When you begin your vacation, you might just feel so exhausted and lethargic because of all the stress, added work, and busy schedule, so you might just need to spend the first days, resting. It is okay to sleep in, take naps, or go to sleep early. When you catch up on sleep, you improve your physical and mental state. By beginning vacation with some sleep, you will be more productive on your trip. Vacation is for restoration.

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You spend all this time working, so hard, to make all this money and have nothing to do with it but pay bills. Don’t make money a stress factor. Take advantage of this once-a-year vacation. If you want to eat at the most expensive restaurant, DO IT. If you want to buy one more drink, DO IT. If you want to spend money on a different activity every day, DO IT. Take this time to live in luxury and lavish yourself. Don’t add stress to the trip by questioning a budget. Break the bank and enjoy yourself!

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Taking vacation, also, gives you time to do activities that you love or to try new things. In-between resting periods, doing activities; like, yoga, swimming, exploring, dancing, etc., raises your positive endorphins. Endorphins release feelings of pleasure, motivation, euphoria, and pain relief. Do what you can to make yourself feel good on vacation.

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Definitely wear sunscreen, but the sun is good for you. The “sunshine vitamin” keeps your bones healthy because your body absorbs vitamin D and calcium. Also, it totally feels good to lay out on a beach, take a nap, enjoy a drink, feel the water, and just relax. Let your skin get a nice crispy, golden tan. It’s good for you and shows how much you really took advantage of this relaxing vacation.

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