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Surviving a Hurricane at an All-Inclusive Resort

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The only Predictable thing about Mother Earth, is that she’s Unpredictable.

COVID COVID COVID. Have you heard enough about Covid yet? Yes, me too.

Because of Covid, Karisma Hotels & Resorts was unable to host their annual GIVC Awards. Those of you unfamiliar with what the GIVC Awards are, allow me to explain. It’s basically a big party and awards ceremony down in Mexico for top accounts with Karisma.

Though they did not have the full blown event, Karisma did invite a select few of their top accounts to come down on what they called the “Seaside Palms Retreat.”

This was a nice gesture to show how much they appreciate their accounts and agents. They had an awesome Mexican themed welcome dinner for us, and they had other events planned for us. However, Mother Earth didn’t receive an invitation, so she decided to just show up and force her way in.

She did this in the form of Hurricane Zeta.

After having a lovely evening filled with tequila, tacos, and churros, a new day was upon us. This day, which was supposed to be meeting/open discussion day with site inspections and free time, was cut short, for now, they had confirmed that we were in the path of hurricane Zeta – she was to stop at nothing to rain on our parade (no pun intended…well, yes, actually pun fully intended)

I seem to remember it being about 12:30pm, I had just left the meeting hall, the sky was already squeezing out any evidence of a warm Mexican sunshine, and the winds were just barely making their presence known.

We were told that dinner reservation for the evening would be moved up because the restaurants would be closing at 7:00pm. “I hadn’t made any reservations yet.” I remember thinking to myself. Continuing my journey from the meeting hall to my room I stopped at the concierge to make reservations. To my surprise, in the ten minutes it took me to walk to my destination, they had yet again altered dinner plans and I was now being told that “all dinners were a first come first serve.” – no reservations. (essentially every man for himself.)

By 5:00pm the sky was gray and the winds were at sustainable gusts. At this moment I received a message on Facebook. It was my Lomas buddy Jorge. “Hola amigo, restaurants will close at 5:00pm…the hotel will provide box lunches in the rooms and room service available til 7:00pm.” Wonderful, it was past five.

“Let’s make the situation more difficult.”

Now is as good a time as any to add a key factor to this story. I’m doing 75 Hard. It’s not a diet or a challenge fad. It’s a test of mental toughness. Google it. All you need to know is when you’re doing it there are 5 rules you must follow each day for 75 days.

1. Two 45 minute workouts.

2. One gallon of water.

3. Read ten pages of non-fiction.

4. Follow a meal plan.

5. No alcohol or cheat meals.

At 7:00pm we were to be in our rooms for the night until further instructed that we could leave them. The rain had already been falling and most places were shutting down. I was in my room well before 7:00pm. Not being able to eat or drink anything out of the mini-bar, I opted to order what ever I was “allowed” to have from room service. “One chicken caesar salad, one spinach salad, one crispy beef burrito, and one grilled chicken and veggies.” I proudly declared over the phone knowing this was a lot for one person to order. “Mr. Kramer, at this moment we are only allowing two plates per room.” the voice on the other end muttered, absolutely crushing my dreams.

Only two plates. A salad, a small chicken breast and veggies to hold me over until sometime tomorrow. I was in for a long night.

The “box lunch” arrived. A ham sandwich (one single slice of ham) with an apple and a juice box. Served in a brown paper bag, this truly felt like something a lazy mother would pack for their 8th grader. “Ahh, lovely, a sandwich, can’t have that. An apple, might snack on that. A juice box…reads side of box which is in Spanish – azúcar: 48g, can’t drink that.” For someone not doing 75 Hard, I’m sure this would have been a good lunch, which was being served at dinner time.

Some time around 7:00pm my room service arrived. If this was just a little snack to enjoy in my room I wouldn’t have been so underwhelmed. But this was suppose to be my dinner, the substance that was to last me “until further notice.” The salad was tasty, but only comparable to a side salad. The ones most people throw away. The grilled chicken was cooked to perfection. However, it was too small and the veggie portions were so tiny it would’ve made a child jump for joy that this was all the vegetables he had to eat before being dismissed from the table. For a moment, after finishing every bite, I sat and pondered if this would be enough…”Would I survive this storm? Would my hunger drive me to leave my room before allowed, on a dangerous quest to find more food?” Only time will tell.

“Through the night and into the day.”

For most of the evening I found myself on my laptop, with Two and a Half Men (in Spanish) on the TV as background noise. The wind was now at a continuous howl. The palm trees were all bending in unison to the right. The thatched roofs were being tested for their strength. White-caps had started to form in my pool as if it were a small model of the ragging seas. Much of the night went on like this. Hangout on the bed. Hear a loud gust of wind. Get up, poke my head out my back door to see if I would witness a roof or tree or something being hurled through the air. I never got to witness this, and at some point, turned the lights off and let the sounds of the hurricane send me off to sleep.

The next morning I immediately went to my back patio to asses the damage. What I saw was not all that bad. Lots of palm fronds in the pool and all over the ground. A majority of the chairs in the area had made their way into the pool over night. Things were blown around, but no major structural damage.

Around 11:00am they released us from our luxury hurricane bunkers. I chose to walk around the property because I wanted to see how things held up and because I knew the chaos that was bound to be going on at the one open restaurant must be avoided at all costs. I eventually had lunch and was graced by a Mexican rock band playing Santana and the Eagles in hopes to lighten everyones spirits. It seemed to be working, or perhaps it was the long socially distanced line that lead up to the bar. Either way the sun was starting to peak through the clouds and things were getting better.

Only one pool was open, maybe one bar was open and the all-inclusive vibe was not there. The scene felt like the guests were trying to pretend as if nothing happened – drink their drinks and hang in the pool. Mostly it just felt like everyone was in the way of the staff, trying desperately to clean up the resort.

I was due to leave the next morning, and the highlight of my evening (post hurricane) was a non-alcoholic beverage I had at our farewell cocktail party which was taking place of our farewell dinner that was supposed to be at Margaritaville Island Reserve. The second highlight was being able to have dinner at my beloved Mexican restaurant, “La Carretta.”

“The only worthy adventure is adventure itself. “

All-in-all this was an interesting trip. I’m glad to have experienced a hurricane. Now I can tell clients how they will be handled in the event this happens to them. However, if you’re not doing 75 Hard and anything goes; here are some recommendations I would make in order to maximize your vacation fun during a hurricane.

If there is any talk that a hurricane will be making land fall, you need to stop what you’re doing and switch into preparation mode.

Something to note, in Mexico if there is a hurricane coming, it is law that alcohol stop being served at 3:00pm. What you want to do is get a twenty dollar bill and some empty bottles or mugs and head to the bar. Your mini-fridge should be stocked with decent mixers, so all you need to do is stock up on your spirit(s) of choice so you can continue the party after you’re in your room “until further notice.”

Food. At some point everything will be closed, even room service. If you’re okay with the super basic ham & cheese, you can skip this step. As soon as you know about the hurricane you need to order room service. Be sure to order things that you’re okay with eating cold. Make sure to order as many pizzas as they allow you to order. You can always heat a slice of pizza up on your iron that is found in your room. (just be kind and wash it off after it cools.)

Besides all of that alcohol you have stored in used bottles of sunscreen, you’ll need to make sure you have enough water. For one, it’s a necessity, but you’ll also want enough to make coffee the next morning. Odds are you won’t be able to leave your room for quite some time.

The power may go out. Most properties have back-up generators (the El Dorado brand has them) but it’s smart to keep your phone on the charger throughout the day just incase the power goes out.

Lastly, try to make the best of it. Hurricanes suck, and can put a dampener on any vacation. Following these steps above will ensure your survival. In most cases the hurricane will last one day or night. By the next morning things should be getting back to normal. Be proud about hunkering down at an all inclusive resort and riding the storm out. Though it takes away from some of your vacation, at least you’ll have a good story to tell.


Should You Take Advantage of Cheap Flight Because of Coronavirus?

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Corona Virus has made flying cheaper. Is it worth it?

Young people are taking advantage of astronomically low flight prices because of the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus. Flights from Florida to Newyork are around $150, and flights from Chicago to Miami are around only $100. Is it safe to take advantage of these low prices and take that trip? Well, that all depends! If you are planning on traveling to a city deemed a level 3 by the US Department of State, you are advised to cancel all non-essential travel.

In my last blog post, I  talked about the myths of Corona. You aren’t going to die immediately on contact, even if you happened to be exposed. Those that are at the greatest risk are those that are elderly, very young, or otherwise in some way compromised. If you wash your hands, keep your hands from your face, and take all of the recommended precautions, you are very unlikely to become ill.

On the other hand, many people have taken to Twitter to air their grievances of how selfish this can be. If you are to catch Corona, or are exposed, you may spread it to others that are compromised. Some sources have recommended quarantining yourself after returning from travel in these level 3 areas. But is that enough? Current reportings state that people can carry the virus for nearly 15 days while still being unsymptomatic.

It is safe to say that all non-necessary travel seems futile right now. But this will hopefully not last for long.

We here at Luxevo Vacations put your safety as a top concern. We will be keeping careful watch during this situation, and hope to be able to book your first vacation straight from quarantine.

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Again, please take all the necessary measures to be safe! And maybe start brainstorming your next vacation while in Social Isolation!


The Best Things to do at Night on Vacation

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For night owls on vacation daytime activities and sightseeing won’t be enough to tire us out! When in a foreign place, you can get stuck in the hotel room wondering what there is to do. Here are just a few awesome night activities in some of the best vacation spots.

1. Night Kayaking in a Bioluminescent Bay 

The inspo for this blog post comes from my upcoming trip to Puerto Rico. I don’t have any excursions planned other than night kayaking in the bioluminescent bay. There are a few bioluminescent bays (or glow in the dark water!!!) around the world, but the one I will be visiting is The Farjado Bio Bay. This is an activity only done at night and is a uniquely memorable experience.

2. River Cruise on the Seine 

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A river cruise on the Seine is a good activity for anytime a day, but in the city of lights, this is one of the best ways to experience Paris. This can also be a romantic outing with the cruise offering romantic dinners on board.

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3. Bar Crawl in Cancun 

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If you are a partier, there is no place like Cancun. I don’t have to tell you that there are hundreds of bars and clubs: the nightlife in Cancun is very alive and will surely keep you entertained. You and your friends can do a bar crawl or even just sit back and people watch, either will keep you entertained.

4. Visit the Sky Garden in London 

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The Sky Garden in London is a great option for night activities. Get there before sundown and have an amazing view of the city. The Sky Garden is open until 9 pm, but the bars inside are open until 1 am. The photo above is from their New Year’s Eve party, so if you can make it to one of their special events, it’s worth it.

5. ArtafterDark Museum Tour 

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This photo does not do the Honolulu museum justice, but it shows how fun ArtafterDark is. This event is held one Friday a month by volunteer local artists who love art and partying. The museum is home to over 50,000 pieces of art, and who doesn’t love looking at art drunk? This is a very popular event with lines sometimes wrapping around the building. This would be a great change of pace after relaxing on a beautiful beach all day.

No matter if you are a day or night owl, be sure to book your trip with a Luxevo Vacations Travel Specialist. We do all the work so you can focus on relaxing and not spending all of your time booking.


The Best Reviewed Restaurants in the World

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There’s been a trend online of going to the Most Expensive Restaurant in My City. I was intrigued to find out what the most expensive, highly rated restaurants were in some of the most popular cities to visit in the world. These are not something most people get to enjoy, but I found it very interesting while doing my research, even if I’ll never get to eat at any of these places.

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The first city on the list is London.

Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester, London

Alain Ducasse at the dorchester_

The first restaurant is located inside of The Dorchester, a 5-star hotel in the heart of London. To give you an idea of the caliber of this posh hotel, a King Room will cost you nearly $900. The restaurant is that of Alain Ducasse, a prestigious French chef. The restaurant holds 3 Michelin Stars and is home to the Cartier Race Awards (I’ve never heard of this, but it’s probably because I am too poor).

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These people have what I like to call resting rich face

This is what one person had to say about the room service at The Dorchester hotel. I am sure it is not prepared by the kitchen of Alain Ducasse, but it is incredible to see what sort of luxury food is served even when just calling for room service. Pizza served a la morceau de Bois, translation: Pizza served on a piece of wood.

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As for the menu at Alain Ducasse’s restaurant, there isn’t one to choose from. You pay for a 7-course experience that will cost you about $200 per person. They base their menu off of the seasons: for the Fall season, they are featuring Wild boar, mushrooms, marigolds, leeks, grapefruits, walnuts, and figs.

Here are some photos of past meals served at the restaurant:

They even over an exclusive offer to sit at the Table Lumière or the Table of lights which is located at the very center of the restaurant and surrounded by thousands of fiberoptic strings. This table will cost you around $300 per person.

It’s like a rich person’s blanket fort!

Aragawa, Tokyo

Aragawa in Tokyo topped the charts for the most highly-rated restaurant in Tokyo, along with being voted one of the most expensive dining experiences in the world. They are most well known for their saki fed Kobe beef (Purebreed Tajima Cattle to be exact), which is sourced from only one local farm. A piece of this steak will cost you around $400 US dollars.

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But Agawa is rated as one of the best restaurants in the world for a reason. This will quite possibly be the best steak you’ll ever taste.

Ko, New York,  New York

We couldn’t possibly do a “best of” without including New York City. There were many restaurants to choose from in the city, but Ko topped many of the food blogger’s lists that I found. Along with the rest of the restaurants on this list, this is a Michelin rated restaurant garnering 2 stars. Ko is a unique eating experience: for $255 you’ll earn yourself a front-row seat to a culinary experience. Reservations need to be made 3o days in advanced to enjoy the curated menu. You do not get to choose what your meal will be, and the website warns that you may wait up to 2.5 hours to eat. For such a steep price and wait time, we must assume the food is outstanding. I’m not sure what exactly you will be eating here but it is described as “Asian accented American meals” (along with sushi).

If you are ready to splurge on your next vacation, any of these options would be more than suffice- the biggest understatement of the century. I have to say that a couple of these have no made it to my mental bucket list.

But no matter where your next vacation will be, or how many Michelin stars your meal will have, book with Luxevo Vacations. 

Best Gardens to Visit on Your Next Getaway

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Every once in a while, you crave walking through a curated garden with exotic flower arrangements and meticulously carved bushes (maybe just me). Today I was thinking about the time I went to the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco and reminisced on how relaxing an experience it was. Today, I set out to find some of the world’s coolest gardens- on Google. What I found were some very intriguing gardens in some very cool locals.

The first is called Lotusland in Montecito, California. The gardens are nothing short of impressive garnering over 3,000 different plants. If you are staying in the Santa Barbara area this is a perfect excursion: the gardens are by appointment only and fully worth it. Lotusland was part of Madame Ganna Walska’s life work who owned the estate from 1941 until 1984 when she passed. She aided in the intricate and unusual design of the sprawling gardens.

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I think the photos speak for themselves: there are sculptures of animals, carved trees looking like towering mushrooms, and a forest of cacti. This is definitely an interesting place to get lost in.

The next garden is the Spring Gardens Keukenhof, Lisse, Netherlands

Image result for Spring Gardens Keukenhof, Lisse, Netherlands

This is the largest flower garden in the entire world, and arguably one of the most beautiful. The rainbow arrangements are reminiscent of the color palette at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory

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Every year, an astonishing 7 Million flowers planted. The flowers can be seen during the spring months between March and May. The garden is located in the small town of Lisse, which is just about 40 minutes away from Amsterdam.

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Image result for Spring Gardens Keukenhof, Lisse, Netherlands

The Garden of Versailles, Versailles, France

I wouldn’t feel right about making a garden list without mentioning the Garden of Versailles. I visited the Palace of Versailles on a tour when I went to Paris with my family. We packed into a long tour bus with many other tourists and were dropped off along with many more buses full of people at the gates of the palace. If you have the opportunity, the tour of the Palace is incredible: much of the palace has been restored with all of the original furniture intact. At a certain part of the tour, you get to see the  Garden of Versailles, and it is somehow more stunning than a freaking palace.

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This garden is nothing short of….well, royal. It’s absolutely pristine and a wonder to gaze upon. It isn’t the kind of garden to lay in the grass with a picnic basket and a cheap bottle of wine: it’s more so the type of place that you tiptoe through and whisper as to not to disturb the manicured tiny trees.

Suan Nong Nooch Garden, Pattaya, Thailand

Image result for Suan Nong Nooch Garden, Pattaya, Thailand

The next garden is in Thailand, a place that is definitely on my bucket list. Suan Nong Nooch is the largest botanical garden in South East Asia and is absolutely astonishing. The garden is extremely intricate and is accompanied by a gorgeous mountain backdrop. This is a great place to visit any time of year because of Thailand’s year-round tropical climate. Because of this climate, they are able to keep exotic flowers at all times, and even a pineapple garden. Get lost in the various parts of this tropical wonderland, and then stop by their center for a cultural show (I wasn’t able to find out more about what these “cultural shows” are, but if they are anywhere as impressive as their plentiful plant spread, it will be amazing).

Image result for Suan Nong Nooch Garden, Pattaya, Thailand pineapples

Kew Gardens, London, England


Not only is the Kew Gardens just as gorgeous as the rest of the gardens on this list, but it is also internationally recognized for being important in botanical research. Not to mention, it houses the largest Victorian greenhouse in the world (I didn’t know what a Victorian greenhouse was before this, but it is gorgeous). The gardens house over 50,000 plants and is also known for its architecture.




London is already an awesome place to visit, but I would add this to your itinerary if I were you.


These are just 5 of the many beautiful gardens around the world, but I chose these because they are accompanied by fantastic locations for a great vacation. I hope that some of these have inspired you to plan your next whimsical trip. If it has, be sure to book with a Luxevo Vacations Travel Specialist which can be found on this Website, or HERE



The Best Beaches in Florida

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As a native Floridian, I've gone to the beach hundreds of times (obviously making me qualified to judge all beaches). Florida is home to some of the most beautiful white sand beaches 
in the entire world- but not all gorgeous beaches are made the same. Here are some of my most favorite top tier beaches in Florida. 

Miramar Beach 

Miramar Beach is located in Destin Florida and is a beautiful white sand beach. The water is crystal clear making this a very popular tourist destination. The beach is lined with
hotels and condominiums for rent. Parasailing is very popular at this beach, and there are even dolphin tours where you can come face to face with dolphins. This is a good beach to 
visit if you are looking for a more upscale hotel experience. The Henderson Beach Resort is the most popular hotel equipped with chic rooms, 5 restaurants, and high end spa 

South Beach 
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South Beach in Miami is probably the most famous beach in all of Florida, and one of the most recognized beaches in all of the world. South Beach is unique because of it's vibrant
culture and chaotic night life. This is definitely a more party-goer destination and isn't made for those trying to get away from noise and tourists. You'll wander off the beach and 
onto the multicolored pastel art deco district. There you'll find museums, high end shopping, gourmet food. The last time I was in Miami Beach, I splurged and went to Nobu. Nobu is a
Japanese Peruvian fusion restaurant well known for being littered with celebs, and for having some of the most delicious sushi in the world. Needless to say, Miami beach is not only
a beautiful beach with gorgeous people, it is a full cultural experience.

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Nobu Miami

Anna Maria Beach
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Anna Maria Beach is just 10 minutes down the road from the Luxevo Vacation's office. I would say that this was the beach I grew up going to, and many native to the area would probably
agree. Anna Maria is the family vacation beach you've always imagined. There are classic little beach getaways equipped with pull out couches and tiny kitchens the whole family with 
cram into. There are all of the mom and pop shops you could want: ice cream, pizza, and fried food galore. Like all the beaches in the area, the sand is white and powdery, and the 
water is bright blue. In the summers, there is not a foot of sand that isn't covered in chairs, coolers, and umbrellas. This is a great beach to take your family and have a great
wholesome time. 

St. Pete Beach
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St. Pete beach is another "spring breakers" beach. Known for being packed to the gills during the spring and summer months, it's no wonder St. Pete attracts the masses. There are
countless bars and pubs and restaurant. St. Pete has done quite the transformation into a self proclaimed art capital. One of the well known landmarks of the city, is the Salvadore
Dali museum full of his paintings, sculptures, and even a virtual reality tour where you can walk through his art. There is also the famous Chihuly glass museum. The city has attracted
many of Florida's young creatives. There are indie bands, art galleries, vintage stores, murals, and craft beer. St. Pete is also home to the Tampa Bay rays so the streets are also often
filled with sports fans too (it's just generally a popular place). St. Pete is one of my favorite cities in all of Florida if not the hippest place to be right now. This is a very
fun place to vacation with quite literally something for everyone.
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Salvador Dali MuseumImage result for vintage stores st pete

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Lido Key Beach

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I saved the best for last! Lido key beach is by far my favorite beach. Just 20 minutes down the road from Anna Maria, Lido is much quieter and secluded. The main part of the beach 
is lined with private residences versus hotels which really minimizes the traffic. Of the course the beach still gets crowded during the summer, but none the less this beach
has everything I love in a beach. The sand is just a little softer, the water just a little bluer, the area just a tad more charming. The beach is right off of St. Armands Circle:
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Here you'll find restaurants and local shops filled with clothes and knick Knacks. Live music fills the streets, and the smell of fudge from the local ice cream shop. My favorite
activity is walking around the circle and people watching all of the interesting characters from here and there. Often times, there are events held in the circle. Sometimes it is
local art, craft festivals, or even classic car events. This beach is the perfect combination of quaint and lively.

No matter what Florida beach you decide to visit next, don't forget to book it with Luxevo Vacations.

5 Best Fall Vacations Destinations

By | Article, Blogs, Destinations, Places, Tips & Tricks, Vacations
Summer has come to an end, but that doesn't mean you have to stop vacationing. With holiday time off coming up, you may be wondering where the best
destinations for a fall get aways are. Here are 5 of the best fall vacation destinations!

1. The Grand Canyon
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The Grand Canyon is one of the most popular destinations. By visiting the Canyon in Fall you'll avoid the high volume crowds of the summer, and enjoy 
much more temperate weather for exploring. You can take advantage of multiple hiking trails in the area, and all of the gorgeous scenery without risking 
heat stroke. 

2. Asheville, North Carolina
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Image result for asheville nc fall

Asheville is located along the Blue Ridge Mountain making it a perfect location to witness the changing of seasons. Asheville is known for it's colorful art scene and rich
history. There are tons of gardens and museums to visit, as well as an abundance of trails to walk along. There is also a lot to offer for those who aren't keen on nature as
well. They have more breweries per capita than any other city in the world, and plenty of highly rated restaurants. Asheville is a super hip city with the perfect culmination
of nature and city life. 

3. Charleston, South Carolina 
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Charleston is known for its rich history and charm. (It can also be extremely humid and hot!) Enjoy all of the charm and history the city has to offer and avoid the sticky
weather of summer. Take a horse drawn carriage through the cobblestone streets. Eat at some of the best restaurants the south has to offer: gastro pubs, hipster hideaways, and 
gourmet dining alike. Enjoy classic fall activities like hay rides and pumpkin patches. There are many fall activities like festivals and foodie based events. 

4. San Fransisco, California 
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San Francisco is a very popular destination with peak tourism in summer. San Fran has fairly constant weather typically sitting in the mid to low 60s. Avoid the crowds and enjoy
some of the fall festivals including film, food, and wine. Stroll through the streets without having to push through the crowds. Visit the famous golden gate bridge, and take the 
ferry to visit Alcatraz. This is a fun place to be year round so why not now?

5.Oaxaca, Mexico 
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With the cold creeping in, consider going south of the border for your fall vacation. This is voted one of the best cities in Mexico with bustling market places, and countless 
scenic excursions. The photo above is of the heirve agua, or the boiling water. It's natural hot springs with the most incredible view. Take a trip to the famous Chichen Itza ruins, 
or get lost in the market place eating food and browsing homemade crafts. This is the perfect fall vacation for those who don't want summer to end. 

No matter what vacation you choose this fall, make sure to book it with us at Luxevo Vacations. Our travel specialists can book any vacation you can imagine, and can even help you 
come up with countless more vacation inspos. Or, if you are an experienced traveler with a passion for exploring, join our team as a travel specialist.

Things you Need to know before Staying at an All Inclusive Resort

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At Luxevo Vacations all-inclusive vacations are one of our specialities. Not only do we have a great working relationship with Karisma Resorts, we take trips with our travel specialists called “Fam” trips, or Familiarization trips to give agents a hands on experience they can share with potential clients. Most people are not lucky enough to have a hands one experience before booking their vacation.

You may already expect endless food and bottomless drinks in a beautiful local, and you are not wrong there. But here are some things to know before you hop on the plane and stay at your first all-inclusive resort.


1. Not all all-inlcusives are built the same

It is important before you leave to know exactly what is included in your package. Although some resorts offer bottomless drinks and food, some may only include 2 meals a day etc. With most all-inclusives including a hefty price tag, it is crucial to know exactly what you are getting so you can plan accordingly. Most all-inclusive resorts will have exclusive restaurants that are not included in your package. If this interests you, and you don’t want to eat the designated meals, this may work for you.

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2. Check your surroundings!

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A lot of all-inclusives are built with the idea that you won’t be leaving the resort in mind. Many are built in very remote places with access to a beach, pool, and the resort with not much else. If you are looking for an excursion, or to immerse yourself in the culture of the country you are visiting, it is important to check before hand how accessible that will be. Attempting to hail a cab in the middle of nowhere may be near impossible, or outrageous in cost. Furthermore, some resorts are even built in high crime areas, where it is not necessarily safe to leave the resort. Make sure to ask the resort all of these questions, and to do a google search of the city you are visiting.

3. Ask about dietary restrictions

I personally have celiac disease, which essentially means wheat is my mortal enemy and I must avoid it at all cost (or run the risk of ending up in a Mexican hospital in the middle of my vacation). If you have a dietary restriction that needs to be accommodated, be sure to talk to the resort about this before hand. Most resorts will be more than willing to assist you in finding options, but if it is not possible you’ll have to plan accordingly and bring some food with you.

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4. Bring essentials with you

Most if not all of your toiletries will be handled by your all-inclusive resort. Remember to bring things like sunscreen, allow, chapstick, and your toothbrush because there will most likely be an up-charge at the resort shop.

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5. Transportation

A lot of all-inclusives will offer you transport to and from the airport. Double check with them to make sure you are not left stranded. This could definitely be a bonus of not having to pay a taxi a hefty fee.

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6. Book with Luxevo Vacations

Now that you are ready to book your all-inclusive vacation, be sure to book it with one of our Luxevo Travel Specialists here. We’ll make booking your vacation super simple, and can give you all of the insider details on the resort you choose. There’s no guessing involved, and you’ll get the same rate as if you were going through the hassle of booking it  yourself.

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OR if you love travel and are interested in learning more about becoming a travel specialist yourself, click HERE

Hostels are Not as Bad as You Think: Travel for Less

By | Article, Blogs, Destinations, Food for thought, Places, Tips & Tricks, Vacations

You probably have a very specific idea in mind when you hear the word Hostel. You may think of free spirits traveling across Europe, letting their heads land where they may. Or you may think of a dusty dimly lit room stacked to the ceilings with creaking bunk beds.

Often times the thing that holds people back from a foreign vacation is the various hotel stays that can accumulate. Unless you are willing to fly across the sea for an extended weekend and only staying in one city, multiple hotel moves will be inevitable.

I too was under the impression that if you didn’t have the money to shell out for decent hotels, you would have to settle for a Hostel experience that was unpleasant, and in some cases even unsafe. 

I set out to find some of the worlds best Hostels in the some of the most sought after destinations
….ALL UNDER $100. And to learn how to do Hostels the right way!


Are there nice Hostels?


Generator Hostel (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

The first Hostel we visit is in Amsterdam. Amsterdam is a very sought after destination most known for its beautiful canals….

World famous Cherry Blossom Festival

And of course the red light district.

The average hotel price in Amsterdam for 2019 is about 158 euros which is about 173 USD.


The Generator Hostel used to be the Amsterdam University’s Zoology Building until it was transformed into this beautiful Hostel. The outside is a beautiful brick building, and the inside has been completely converted. It is extremely modern and looks like room inspo posts on Pinterest.

If you splurge and get a private room, you are looking at an average price of $160 which still comes in a little bit lower than the average price in Amsterdam: in a very cool place no less.

But if you are willing to go all in to the Hostel experience, you can get a twin bed in a premium 4 person room for only $44

The Generator has very good reviews and appears to be very beautiful. This honestly was a shocking discovery for me- I honestly didn’t know there were beautiful Hostels.

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More Affordable Option

If you are looking for the classic Hostel experience (and classic Hostel prices), there are still some good options that are relatively comfortable.

One that I found is in the South of Italy on the Italian Riviera.

5 Terra Backpackers (Cinque Terra, Italy)

This place has amazing reviews: sited for it’s delicious family style meals, great location, and beautiful views.

It seems that the hosts are very hospitable, it has a good location, and they even cook group meals for the guest. Staying at a family run Hostel can be a good way to immerse yourself into the culture, and to get personal recommendations from a local. And who knows, maybe you will find some new friends as well.

For a basic twin private room you are looking at $76. This means you and a friend or partner can share the room and spend only about $38 a night which is honestly a steal.

If you are looking for the cheapest way possible, you can get a bed in a 6 bed dormitory style room for only $32. This may not feel like the most comfortable option at every hostel, but at the 5 Terre Backpackers you will receive a locker for your things, and the raving reviews will also calm your fears of any funny business.

Everything you should know

Now that we’ve found a couple of viable hostel options, it’s time to learn a little more about how seasoned travelers do hostels. Even though they can be nice, there are still

precautions and measures you should take to ensure you have a comfortable stay.

1. Splurge on the private room if you can

If you can afford it, try and go for one of the slightly more expensive private rooms. This will give you a door with a lock so you don’t have to worry about your belongings, especially on an extended stay. This will also make it more comfortable to do everything you would imagine like changing or even sleeping in your underwear.

A lot of times the private room isn’t even much more expensive so it’s worth it.


2. Bring your own toiletries 

Often times hostel toiletries will be very cheap (Think of the pink sticky soap in your elementary school bathroom). Packing some travel sized shampoos and lotions will make your stay that much more comfortable. It will also be more sanitary since many hostels have shared bathrooms.


3. Change your bedsheets 

Make sure to ask your hostel host about how often they will be changing the bed sheets!


4. Trust your Gut!

Even though I am sure you have done your research and read all of the reviews you can find, if you are uncomfortable with your sleeping arrangement speak up! Refer to #1 and perhaps try to upgrade to a private room if someone or something in the dorm style room makes you uneasy.


Maybe you are reading this article because you are considering choosing a hostel for your next trip. After my research, I think that staying at a hostel can be a great option, if you do your research. If hotel prices are the only thing keeping you from your dream European vacation…..go for it!

The Best Vacations for When you Don’t Have Much Vacation Time

By | Article, Blogs, Destinations, feature, Places, Tips & Tricks, Vacations

Sometimes you are in desperate need for a vacation but don’t have much time to get away.
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You could call in those extra days sick…
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Or you could make most of those 2 days you have saved up, and take a long weekend to put all other long weekends to shame.

Here are just some ideas for when you need to get away in a hurry.

Travel time can chip away at your vacation time; choose somewhere not too far away from home (but far enough away to forget work).

I live in Tampa, Florida so a great example of a trip not too far away is:

A Trip to New Orleans

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If  you can get a nonstop flight that is ideal. From Tampa to New Orleans it’s just a little over an hour and a half plane ride.

Although Spirit is not my airline of choice…. for under $90 round trip you can make it there and back in a flash!
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This is a great choice if you are very limited on time because even if you don’t make it there until later- the party is just beginning on Bourbon Street.

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Image result for new orleans bars

Stop into one of the hundreds of bars and get a drink…or 3. Bourbon street  is a great option for people watching or just a scenic view of historic building.

New Orleans also has an amazing selection of cuisine. From Caribbean, to Italian there are so many restaurants to choose from.

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Image result for new orleans restaurants

And as you can see there is so much to see. It is also a very walkable city. Get an Airbnb near the city center and hit all of the sites. From restaurants, bars, museums, or even the famous St Louis cemetery.

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A 3 Day Cruise

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For under $500 you can go on a 3 to 4 day cruise. A cruise is an easy getaway! It’s a floating all inclusive. If you are looking for a simple vacation, you never even have to leave the boat. You can take advantage of the

included meals and drinks, and relax on the deck.

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If you are looking for more, you can take advantage of one of the offered excursions. No matter what you are thinking, a cruise is a great vacation for those on a time budget. You can jam pack your long weekend with

karaoke, unlimited food, tanning, swimming, and a quick tours of some really beautiful places FAST. 

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A Bed and Breakfast

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A bed and breakfast is the perfect local get away for when you just need to get away from it all. You can choose to stay cooped up in one of the charming rooms, ordering breakfast in bed (no pun intended). Or you can take the time to see

a nearby city with local sites and museums.

amy sedaris relax GIF by truTV’s At Home with Amy Sedaris

This is a very low key vacation, and can also be a very affordable option. This is also a great option if you are bringing a significant other along. It can be a very romantic way to get one on one time with some peace and quiet.

Amusement Park Hopping

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If you’re looking for a get away that’s a lot of fun, amusement park hopping might be a good fit. This is especially a good fit if you are planning on bringing the kids along. If you are going this route, the best option is to get a package

through the amusement park you are thinking of going to. Whether it’s Disney or Universal studios, they are always running park hopper promotions. Universal often offers free nights at their resort when you purchase multiple day park hopper tickets.

This is a trip that requires very little planning. Just get to the park and enjoy!

Just Stay Home

This may seem like a stupid one, but I have one question for you-

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Just kidding. But sometimes the best thing is just staying at home for a long weekend, watching all of the Netflix shows you’ve missed while you’ve been too busy, and swimming in your pool if you have one.

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This is obviously the most affordable, least effort option and with zero travel time, you can take advantage of every minute of your vacation time.

but seriously

No matter what vacation you choose, or how long you have to get away, Luxevo Vacations can make it happen!

Book Here