Everything Has A Beginning & End
We get it, you’re stuck right in the middle of this nonsense. We’ve watched too much news and too many Zombie movies on Netflix. The world as we know it is over. I’ll let you have that thought or opinion, and if it helps you cope with the situation at hand, then so be it.
What we need to keep in mind though, is everything has a beginning and an end. Kinda like those Zombie movies. At some point, the end credits are going to roll. When they do finally roll and this is over and we’re allowed to move about the cabin freely, where are you going to be?
Are you going to be stuck with 286 rolls of toilet paper? Or are you going to be armed and ready to take on all of the people who need a VACATION?
See, there are two types of people in situations like this. (well there’s probably more than two, but for this we’ll just pick two.)
Type 1: Information Overload – PANIC – Freakout – Worry Warrior – Sky is Falling – Toilet Paper Enthusiast
Type 2: Intakes just enough information to stay in the know – Remains Calm – Gives Encouragement – Stays Positive – Plans Ahead
Now the type 1’s are going to need a vacation, and they’ll take one, but first they have to get their life back on track.
The type 2’s will be ready the second the starting gate gun goes off. (And by gun I mean all of this is over, and it’s back to normal.)
All this to say, travel ain’t goin’ nowhere and the travel industry is going to SNAP BACK, and it’s gonna SNAP BACK hard. Question is, will you be ready when it does? I sure hope so!
For now, do your part. Stay positive, wash your hands, stay home, give encouragement to those who need it, and hang in there. This is a bummer, but we’re going to get through it. And the end credits will roll sooner than later.